Sales enablement copywriting may sound a bit odd at first…I mean, isn’t ALL copywriting meant to ‘enable sales’ or grow a company’s bottom line? Sure…but this is copy that helps your sales team better communicate with the people you are selling to. It helps them better master their messaging.
Been There, Done That
In my career as a B2B salesperson (all on the phone I might add which I would argue is harder than in-person sales but that’s just me), I was lucky enough to already have a decent command of business communications like how to write a proper email or how to put together a document that explained my service. No misspellings, either. That’s just awful.
But not all of my colleagues, many of whom were amazing on the phone and killer closers, had much command of this skill. Often, they would ask me for help to draft proposals or a persuasive email.
I didn’t mind because I loved any excuse to flex my writing muscles. But it got me thinking in the last few years…maybe this is something a lot of salespeople and their managers struggle with.
Having a toolbox of well-crafted email templates, call scripts, battle cards (more on that in a minute), etc to help the sales team put their best foot forward for every bit of communication they have. And I knew I could write every bit of it for my clients.
Sales Enablement Copywriting is Not What You Think
When poking around on LinkedIn jobs, I saw quite a few for Sales Enablement this or that but nothing that focused on the copy and communications that the sales team would be presenting or using to close sales or cold call. It seems more focused on process and procedure. This is different.
This is a skill that requires understanding the of sales process, and having familiarity with the different tools a salesperson will need to best convey the features/benefits of their product or service.
Email templates that are easy to customize to the lead that help open up further communication…battle cards that quickly distill the fine points of the product in a way that leaves nothing to chance when presenting to a potential buyer…even a fluid and powerful sales deck that can be part of a one-on-one Zoom consultation that helps illustrate the benefits of the product to help get a faster commitment for the next step.
It’s using standard copy principles to help make your sales team shine. Your company can employ an army of copywriters for digital ads, blogs, social media etc to help shine a light on the company and the product but this is persuasive copy just for sales to use in their everyday process and outreach.
Faster Sales Rep Onboarding
Sale Enablement Copy helps in another critical space…getting new reps up to speed faster and building their confidence from the first call. If your sales manager or trainer already had an arsenal of sales enablement copy pieces for every product/service, imagine how fast those newbies could find success.
And in my years as a sales trainer, there is nothing more important than getting their confidence raised quickly…they close sales faster and they stick around. Effective Sales Enablement Copy can make it a breeze.
Examples of Sales Enablement Copy -
Email templates (cold, warm, post-demo follow-up, and close)
Battle Cards (deep dive into features/benefits of each product/service with common objections/answers for quick reference - a must for sales rep onboarding)
Slide Decks (essential for online presentations to quickly educate stakeholders and get further commitments for demos)
One-Sheet (comprehensive leaving-behind sheet for your field sales team with product/service summary with invitation for demo)
Call Scripts (critical for proper messaging in cold calls, follow up, demo confirmation, and next steps or addressing objections - a MUST for new rep onboarding)
Sales Proposals (concise and comprehensive outline of pricing and delivery that’s shared with decision makers for approval - absolutely essential to get this right for faster closes)
I’ve been where your sales reps are. I know how important it is to have consistent messaging from reps and a quick command of the facts needed to move the sales process along.
Sales Enablement Copy can help and there is nothing I would love more than being the writer to give them the tools to help them shine.